What is a Qualified Lead

As a lead setter, your role is pivotal in connecting potential clients who are a good match for our web design services with our design team. Recognizing a qualified lead is the first step. Here's an easy-to-understand breakdown of what makes a lead "qualified" and what you should do when you find one:

  1. They Need Our Services
    First, check if the potential client requires web design work like creating a new site, updating an existing one, or boosting their online presence. This shows they're in the market for what we offer.

  2. They Have a Budget
    Ensure the lead has set aside money for web design. This signals they're serious about getting quality work done.

  3. They're Decision Makers
    It's important that the person you're talking to can either make the decision to purchase or heavily influence it. Look for titles like business owner, marketing director, etc.

  4. They Have a Deadline
    A lead with a specific timeline for when they want their project finished is more likely to be actively seeking our services than just browsing.

  5. They're in Our Niche
    Leads are more promising when they operate in industries we're familiar with or are targeting. This means our services are more likely to meet their needs.

  6. They're Engaged with Us
    If they've interacted with our content, visited our website, or responded positively to contact from us, they're showing genuine interest.

  7. They Have Clear Goals or Challenges
    Leads that know what they want to achieve or have specific problems they need our help with are often more committed and understand the value of our services.

  8. They're Ready to Talk
    A qualified lead is usually open to discussing their project, setting up a meeting, or talking directly to our design team.

What to Do with a Qualified Lead

Once you've identified a lead that meets these criteria, it's time to take action:

  • Document Their Details: Make sure their information is clearly recorded and accessible.

  • Connect Them with Design Team: The most important step. Ensure a smooth handover to our design team so they can follow up promptly and keep the momentum going, scheduled a call with our design team. Phone or zoom session. Via our This is Brenda Hi Brenda this is Veronica hi how are you scoop session calendar

Remember, your goal as a lead setter is not just to find potential clients but to ensure a good fit between what they need and what we offer. This approach saves time for our design team and increases our chances of turning leads into happy customers.