qr codes what are they

For The Love of God Please Stop Posting Your QR Codes On The Web- How To Get The Most Out Of Your QR Campaign

Hey there, fellow techies and QR code strugglers! Today, we are going to unravel the mysteries of those intriguing square patterns known as QR codes. Brace yourself for a dose of witty education as we explore the dos and don’ts of QR code usage.

1: The Great QR Code Misconception
Ah, the ubiquitous QR code! It’s everywhere, isn’t it? But hold your horses, folks. Allow me to burst your bubble and say, QR codes were not made for web banners and videos. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? We’re all staring at these things on our phones, and you expect us to scan a QR code displayed on a screen? Nope, not happening! QR codes have a real purpose, and it’s time we shed some light on it.

2: The QR Code’s True Calling
Picture this: You’re flipping through a magazine or walking down the street when you stumble upon a QR code. Ah, now we’re talking! That’s where QR codes shine – in the realm of print media. The beauty lies in pointing your phone at that little square and magically being transported to a link. It’s like a digital teleportation experience, but without the fancy effects. So, dear friends, let’s reserve QR codes for their intended purpose and spare ourselves from unnecessary confusion.

3: The Importance of Web Addresses
Now, here’s a revolutionary idea – web addresses! You know, those things we used before the QR code craze took over? They’re still around, and they’re pretty important. Instead of plastering QR codes all over your web and social media banners, why not display your web address? It’s a simple click away, and voila! Your audience can effortlessly access your website without the need for a QR code scanning adventure. Let’s give web addresses the appreciation they deserve.

So, the next time you encounter a QR code in an inappropriate place, take a moment to appreciate the hilarity of the situation. And hey, don’t forget to spread the word and save your fellow internet surfers from the QR code confusion. Stay tech-savvy and keep those web addresses handy!

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